Core Values

We believe that the best scientific ideas are created by diverse and supportive research teams that have access to a safe and inclusive research environment. Our priority is to ensure that our research environment achieves this goal, and we have a series of core values that reflect our views. It is vital to our team that new group members are committed to these values and help to enrich our research environment.

Equality, diversity and inclusion: We are committed to ensuring that all prospective and current group members are treated equally. We will not tolerate any discrimination based on protected characteristics, including age, disability, sex, gender identity and expression, race, religion or belief (including lack thereof), sexual orientation, and/or marriage and civil partnerships, maternity and pregnancy.

Health and safety: We are committed to providing a safe research environment for all group members. We believe that a safe research environment is critical to all our projects, and we will work together to train and learn from each other’s experiences. Risk assessments are a crucial part of all our projects and are compulsory for all research activity. We have a collective responsibility to care for all group members and work together to achieve this objective.

Mentorship: The members are the most crucial part of the research group. We value the importance of mentorship to help group members flourish and achieve their career goals and research objectives.

Scientific integrity and rigour: We are committed to ensuring all our experiments are performed rigorously and ethically and to ensure that all results are reported accurately and responsibly so that they can benefit the scientific community. We strongly support the timely publication of open-access manuscripts and complete datasets to support this endeavour.

Supporting a vibrate research environment: We believe the best scientific ideas are created by vibrate research teams that celebrate and give a voice to everyone’s unique strengths. We recognise the importance of every individual and are committed to supporting each other’s research and wellbeing.

Sustainability: We are keen to improve the sustainability of research and reduce lab waste. We support the implementation of new group policies to improve our sustainability and encourage group members to seek initiatives that enable us to achieve this objective.  

Work-life balance: We recognise the importance of personal commitments and activities outside of work and believe in the importance of striking a good balance between work and personal life. We are committed to developing sustainable working practices that support group members to have good work-life balances. We believe this is critical to ensuring researchers thrive and enjoy their research.  

Zero-tolerance on harassment, bullying and discrimination: We will not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying and discrimination. All group members need to respect one another and their views and support all group members who might experience harassment, bullying and discrimination.

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